Sunday, August 26, 2012

Let's make it Right...

We make our lives more complicated than they actually are.  More of us are concerned with proving ourselves than to worry about the rest of the world.  We are so determined to be right in everything that we step over and hurt all the people in our way, regardless of how much they mean to us.  Today I heard three lines, which made me realize how much simpler our life would be; if we were to follow these three basic rules:

“The Person Is More Important Than the Point”

                How many of us can think of a time when we were so indulged in making a point that we ignored how much we actually hurt a loved one.  All of us do this countless times in a day; whether we admit it or not.  As Isaac Newton once said “Tact is the knack of making a point without making an enemy."

“Being Kind Is More Important Than Being Right”

                Ever told a person they are right just to make them happy?  Not many of us do that.  You might actually make it right by simply being kind and leave an everlasting mark of kindness in that person’s heart towards you.  As the Hadith reassures us “He who is deprived of kindness and gentleness is, in fact, deprived of all good." (Muslim)

“Say What You Mean & Mean What You Say”

Usage of words is not a difficult thing, but meaning those words is.  Before advising unto others, consider if it really stands true to your own self.  As the Arabic proverb goes “A slip of the foot is safer than that of the tongue.”

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