Sunday, March 31, 2013

Stay Strong....

Don’t ever be afraid to live your life, the way you want it to be that is.  Dreams are unique to every individual for a reason, a reason that another individual cannot relate to.  If God meant for all of us to live a certain lifestyle, or match our expectations to another’s; we wouldn't all be given our own bodies, brains, senses and most important a vision.

Yes, it gets very tough.  Rocks even collide with each other after being still for years, humans in the sense of moving objects are meant to crash with one another.  Now, I don’t mean the physical crashes; our thoughts can collide, after all thoughts are just as free moving particles.   
Sometimes we feel very disconnected to the world surrounding us and other times we feel a strong sense of belonging.  Whatever the case might be, one thing is pretty stable and it’s the fact that nothing is ever constant.  I just contradicted my statement, but it’s very true.   At times, we are brought down by the very same people who usually bring us up.  Things that seem very rational to you might be seen as irrelevant to them and it could be vice versa. 

Just remember, any sort of negative criticism can always be turned into an opportunity for some positive outlook.  One thing no one can ever take away from you is the way you think for yourself, even when your mind is manipulated for a certain period.  No one understands you better than you understand yourself, make sure you remind yourself of this every now and then.  

1 comment:

  1. Brilliant! Loved it! I so wanted to read something similar to this, protecting your individuality would have never been so difficult as it is in this scenario!
