Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Project 365 - That Feeling! (February 26, 2012)

If I had to name my favorite jewelry item, rings would be amongst the chart toppers.  I remember visiting the mall back in December with a friend of mine.  She had to purchase a gift for a friend and I tagged along to the jewelry cases.  Ofcourse being a girl, there is a natural tendency to be inclined towards jewelry items. 

While we were looking for a suitable jewelry item, my eyes stopped on this cute pink ring.  It was one of those rare moments where I suddenly wished I could buy that ring.  After trying out the ring and finding out that it was my birth stone (Sapphire), there was more of a reason to buy that ring.  Unfortunately, at that moment, it was sort of out of my price range.    

Every time I went to the mall after that time I made sure to check the ring prices, if it was on sale yet or not; and I would tell myself “not yet! Don’t worry if it is meant to be yours, it will be.”  You know telling yourself this line and waiting patiently is probably the hardest thing and you can only imagine how my face had turned out when I went to the mall and saw the ring had been purchased by someone else.  Just like any other person would, I said “see you should have just bought it then,” but another voice emerged “it’s ok, at least now you know it wasn’t meant to be yours; so why be sad over someone else’s fate?” 

Call it a coincidence or mere fate; my friend handed me a bag and said “Happy Valentine’s Day.”  I looked at her in shock, we don’t really buy each other valentine’s days gifts; but coincidently enough this year we both planned to give each other a gift and kept it a secret.   I opened the bag and to my amazement, there it was! The ring! The ring I had wanted for the past three months.  The ring I had happily accepted to be not in my fate.  It was the most amazing feeling ever, Alhumdulillah. 

There are very few moments in life, when you truly smile; your eyes shine, your heart’s content and you cannot help but to be in that magical state of mind.  

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